Saturday, June 2, 2007

Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants

There are many dangerous causes of global warming. I’ve chosen carbon dioxide from power plants to talk about because it taking the biggest shares in causing the glob to warm.

Power is very important in our life, almost every thing in away needs electricity to operate. This joy is not free; we are increasing earth’s temperature. Most power plants around the world use fossil fuel to generate electricity. While burning fossil fuel carbon dioxide is generated, and it increases the rate of pollution and it strengthen greenhouses layer.

The problem is that every year there are new fossil fuel plants built up. Recently, Vattenfall, a Swedish power company, plans to build coal power plant in Germany. A lot of environmental organizations asked the government to stop t his project, but there are no any positive signals from the government, just they asked the company to reduce its emissions.

1 comment:

Jaber Al Shamsi said...

hii Fahad ...this is an intersing point to talk about.
Good luck