Sunday, April 22, 2007

What Is Global Warming?

Global Warming

“Global warming,” is a phrase that is familiar to us, but do we know what exactly it’s? Global warming is the continued increase of the average planets temperature.

Some might say, “The temperature is increasing, so what?! We have cooling technologies that can keep us under a cool atmosphere.” We will say you are wrong!! The matter is not just a weather disturbance that you can over come with your AC. It is such a big problem, that it can demolish all kinds of living beings on earth.

The biggest problem of global warming is melting ice mountains, which are enough to cover the entire planet with water if melted.

Some might say, “We always hear such scary things but nothing ever happened.” We will say, my friend, check flood records in the last 50 years, especially for a country like Sri Lanka and you will change your mind!

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